Adding captions to an image

You can use the Captions tool to add headers and footers to your images. The text is displayed while viewing the image, but does not modify the original image.  

To add a caption to an image:

  1. In the Viewer, click View | Captions.

  2. Do one or both of the following:

  1. Select or change the Caption options.

  2. Click OK.

Caption options


Click the Alignment drop-down arrow and select a font justification.


Select the Background check box if you want to add a background color to the text. Click the Color button, select a color, and click OK.


In the Description template field, type the text you want to appear on the image.

Insert Format Tag

Click the Insert Format Tag button and select a tag to insert information specific to the image.


Click the Font button. Select a Font, Font style, Size, Effects, and Color option. Click OK.